Greens List Barristers

Edward Power Bar : 1987| Admitted : 1983

Edward practices specifically in all facets of revenue law and Commonwealth taxation prosecutions in the Federal and State Courts.

Phone : +61 3 9225 7727

Mobile : 0412 373 487

Email :

Chambers : Greens List Barristers


Edward practices specifically in all facets of revenue law and Commonwealth taxation prosecutions in the Federal and State Courts, including both the Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the State Administrative Tribunals. He has also lectured in taxation and commercial law at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Melbourne University, RMIT and the University of Northwest Queensland. Before being called to the Bar in 1987, Edward was previously a senior officer in the Australian Taxation Office and has brought that experience to his work in taxation at the bar. As a barrister, Edward has appeared in many important tax and tax prosecution cases over his years at the Bar.


Memberships & Committees

Victorian Bar

To get in touch with Edward Power | or for more information please contact the Clerk on:

+61 3 9225

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.